1.Purpose of the Program
Today, the use of radio is indispensable for our daily lives. This increases the need to resolve obstruction in radio use caused by radio shield problems, such as cut-offs of mobile phone calls when a person enters a tunnel, underground facility, etc.
For this purpose, national grant program for radio shield countermeasure projects financed by revenues from the spectrum user fee system was introduced in FY1999. This program supports projects which construct facilities to enable radio use in radio shielded areas.
2.Outline of the Program
- Subsidized projects
To projects which construct facilities in highway tunnels and other man-made structures, in order to set up an alternative radio communication route to the place where the radio waves between the radio broadcaster and receiver are shielded and radio communication is cut off, subsidies are provided.
- Implementing body
Japan Mobile Communications Infrastructure Association (JMCIA), etc.
- Subsidization rate
1/2 of the total cost (1/3 in case of railway tunnels)
Concrete intended projects for subsidization in each fiscal year are determined after considering the actual necessities of the radio use and the fiscal budget of each year.